The Game Modes Window is where the majority of gameplay options are configured in Numbos. Use this to build, export or upload custom game modes to share with everyone!
Note: Hit Ctrl + Left Mouse Click on a slider to type an input!
Match Tab #
Match – Win Conditions #

Current Dropdown: Current Win Condition of the game mode
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before game mode ends
Numbinos Spawn Slider: Number of Numbinos to spawn before game mode ends
Rounds Played Slider: Number of rounds to pass before game mode ends
Score Gained Slider: Score to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Sums Slider: Amount of Sums to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Numbos Slider: Amount of Numbos to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Rows Slider: Amount of Rows to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Numbrows Slider: Amount of Numbrows to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Boards Slider: Amount of Boards to have earned before game mode ends
Match – Rounds – Switch Conditions #

Current Dropdown: Current Condition Required for a round to switch
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before the round switches
Numbinos Spawn Slider: Number of Numbinos to spawn before the round switches
Rounds Played Slider: Number of rounds to pass before the round switches
Score Gained Slider: Score to have earned before the round switches
Erased Sums Slider: Amount of Sums to have earned before the round switches
Erased Numbos Slider: Amount of Numbos to have earned before the round switches
Erased Rows Slider: Amount of Rows to have earned before the round switches
Erased Numbrows Slider: Amount of Numbrows to have earned before the round switches
Erased Boards Slider: Amount of Boards to have earned before the round switches
Match – Rounds – Multipliers #

Round Switch Slider: How much to multiply score by on Round switch
Numbino Fall Delay Slider: How fast Numbino speed increase on Round switch
Score Slider: How much Score increases on Round switch
Match – Score #

Addition #
Erased Sum Slider: How many points to add for an erased Sum
Erased Row Slider: How many points to add for an erased Row
Erased Sum Slider: How many points to add for an erased Board
Numbino Soft Drop Slider: How many points to add per square of Numbino Soft Drop
Numbino Hard Drop Slider: How many points to add per square of Numbino Hard Drop
Reduction #
Numbino Rotation Slider: How many points to remove per Numbino rotation
Match – Music – General #

Enabled Checkbox: Enable or Disable Music in the game
Track Dropdown: Select the track for this game mode
Match – Music – Speed Modes #

Current Dropdown: Current Condition Required for the music track to increase in speed
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before music increases in speed
Rounds Played Slider: Number of Rounds to have played before music increases in speed
Board Height Slider: Height board needs to fill before music increases in speed
Board Fill Slider: Percentage of the board to have filled before music increases in speed
Match – Seed #

Randomized Checkbox: Chooses to randomize the seed
Value Textbox: Manually enter the seed to determine the piece and number order for the game. Identical seeds should give identical results.
Match – Info Display #

Enabled Checkbox: Enable or Disable info display in the game mode
Scale Slider: The size to draw the information display on the screen
Board Tab #
Board – General #

Side Sliders: Set how many blocks Wide and High the board will draw in this game mode
Fill Alpha: Gleb
Board – Erase – General #

Order Dropdown: Choose the order in which items are erased
- Sums First: Sums trigger first
- Rows First: Rows trigger first
- Sums + Rows: Sums + Rows trigger at the same time
Predelay Slider: the delay in milliseconds before clearing
Postdelay Slider: the delay in milliseconds after clearing
Board Erase Fill Threshold:
Board – Erase – Sums #

Enabled Checkbox: Controls wether or not Sums are cleared by the criteria below
Horizontal Checkbox: Determines if horizontal scans for sums are performed
Vertical Checkbox: Determines if Vertical scans for sums are performed
Diagonal Left Checkbox: Determines if Diagonal Left scans for sums are performed
Diagonal Right Checkbox: Determines if Diagonal scans for sums are performed
Overlap Checkbox: Determines if overlapping Sums are calculated
Count Blanks Checkbox: Determines if blanks should figure into sum calculations (Blanks are 0 numerically, but account for a calculation block
Length Slider: Length, in blocks, in which to calculate a sum
Sum Slider: The value to scan for to clear (using the total in the scanned length)
Preview #
Enabled Checkbox: Toggle display of the sum calculation on and off
Line #
Width Slider: The thickness of the Sum line
Color: The color of the Sum line
Alpha: The Transparency of the Sum line
Shake #
Camera #
Gamepad #
Board – Erase – Rows #
Board – Combos #

Enabled Checkbox: Toggle Combos on and off
Erased Sum Slider: Multiplier Value for each Sum in Combo
Erased Row Slider: Multiplier Value for each Row in Combo
Board – Gravity – Triggers #

Current Dropdown: The currently selected method to trigger gravity
Erase Sums Amount Slider: The amount of Sums required to trigger gravity (2 or more for a Numbo)
Erase Rows Amount: The amount of Rows required to trigger gravity (2 or more for a Combrow)
Erase Sums or Rows #
Sums Amount Slider: The amount of Sums required to trigger gravity combined with Rows (2 or more for a Numbo)
Rows Amount: The amount of Rows required to trigger gravity combined with Sums (2 or more for a Combrow)
Board – Gravity – Conditions – Global #

Current Dropdown: The currently selected global method of gravity
- None: No global gravity trigger
- Every Even Round: Every even numbered round triggers gravity
- Every Odd Round: Every odd numbered round triggers gravity
- Every Nth Round: Every Nth numbered round, selected below, triggers gravity
- Above Fill: Filling the board above a certain % triggers gravity, selected below
- Below Fill: Filling the board above a certain % triggers gravity, selected below
Every Nth Round Number Slider: The amount of rounds until gravity is triggered
Above Fill – Percent Slider: The % of board fill above which gravity is triggered
Below Fill – Percent Slider: The % of board fill below which gravity is triggered
Board – Gravity – Conditions – Numblock #

Current Dropdown: The current filter for gravity, initiated by a Numblock
- None: No Numblock initiated gravity
- Above Height: When a numbo is placed above a certain height, it can trigger
- Below Height: When a numbo is placed above a certain height, it can trigger
- Lowest Number: Gleb
- Highest Number: Gleb
- Numbers Filter: The numbers below can initiate gravity
- Maybe: Toggles the % if gravity works
- Only Blanks: Only blanks can trigger gravity
- No Blanks: No blanks can trigger gravity
Above Height – Percent:
Shake #
Camera #
Gamepad #
Board – Queue #

Size Slider: The Number of Frames (Boxes) of Queue of upcoming Numbino’s
Numbino Scale: The scale of the Numbino’s in the Queue Frame
Frame #
Size Slider: The width of the frame in blocks
Color Picker: The color of the frame
Alpha Slider: The transparency of the frame
Random Rotation Checkbox: Toggle the Numbino’s rotation on spawn
Allow Duplicates: Allow the same Numbino to be in the Queue
Board – Hold #

Remember Rotation Index Checkbox: Toggle remembering Numbino rotation in the hold
Frame #
Size Slider: The width of the frame in blocks
Color Picker: The color of the frame
Alpha Slider: The transparency of the frame
Numbino scale: Scale of Numbino in the Hold frame
Board – Lighting #

Enabled Checkbox: Toggle lighting in the board on and off
Mode Dropdown: The lighting mode selected
- Hard bm_add: Gleb
- Hard bm_max: Gleb
- Soft bm_add: Gleb
Color Picker: The color of the lighting displayed
Smooth Checkbox: Smooth lighting out vs hard lighting breaks
Alpha: The transparency of the light in the game board
Numbino Tab #
Numbino – General #

Numbino – Numbers #

Numbinos – Move X #

Numbino – Soft Drop #

Numbino – Hard Drop #

Numbino – Rotation #

Numbino – Dash #

Numbino – Ghost #

Numbino – Highlight #

Numblock Tab #
Match – Win Conditions #

Current Dropdown: Current Win Condition of the game mode
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before game mode ends
Numbinos Spawn Slider: Number of Numbinos to spawn before game mode ends
Rounds Played Slider: Number of rounds to pass before game mode ends
Score Gained Slider: Score to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Sums Slider: Amount of Sums to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Numbos Slider: Amount of Numbos to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Rows Slider: Amount of Rows to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Numbrows Slider: Amount of Numbrows to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Boards Slider: Amount of Boards to have earned before game mode ends
Match – Rounds – Switch Conditions #

Current Dropdown: Current Condition Required for a round to switch
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before the round switches
Numbinos Spawn Slider: Number of Numbinos to spawn before the round switches
Rounds Played Slider: Number of rounds to pass before the round switches
Score Gained Slider: Score to have earned before the round switches
Erased Sums Slider: Amount of Sums to have earned before the round switches
Erased Numbos Slider: Amount of Numbos to have earned before the round switches
Erased Rows Slider: Amount of Rows to have earned before the round switches
Erased Numbrows Slider: Amount of Numbrows to have earned before the round switches
Erased Boards Slider: Amount of Boards to have earned before the round switches
Match – Rounds – Multipliers #

Round Switch Slider: How much to multiply score by on Round switch
Numbino Fall Delay Slider: How fast Numbino speed increase on Round switch
Score Slider: How much Score increases on Round switch
Match – Score #

Addition #
Erased Sum Slider: How many points to add for an erased Sum
Erased Row Slider: How many points to add for an erased Row
Erased Sum Slider: How many points to add for an erased Board
Numbino Soft Drop Slider: How many points to add per square of Numbino Soft Drop
Numbino Hard Drop Slider: How many points to add per square of Numbino Hard Drop
Reduction #
Numbino Rotation Slider: How many points to remove per Numbino rotation
Match – Music – General #

Enabled Checkbox: Enable or Disable Music in the game
Track Dropdown: Select the track for this game mode
Match – Music – Speed Modes #

Current Dropdown: Current Condition Required for the music track to increase in speed
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before music increases in speed
Rounds Played Slider: Number of Rounds to have played before music increases in speed
Board Height Slider: Height board needs to fill before music increases in speed
Board Fill Slider: Percentage of the board to have filled before music increases in speed
Match – Seed #

Randomized Checkbox: Chooses to randomize the seed
Value Textbox: Manually enter the seed to determine the piece and number order for the game. Identical seeds should give identical results.
Match – Info Display #

Enabled Checkbox: Enable or Disable info display in the game mode
Scale Slider: The size to draw the information display on the screen
Popup Tab #
Match – Win Conditions #

Current Dropdown: Current Win Condition of the game mode
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before game mode ends
Numbinos Spawn Slider: Number of Numbinos to spawn before game mode ends
Rounds Played Slider: Number of rounds to pass before game mode ends
Score Gained Slider: Score to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Sums Slider: Amount of Sums to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Numbos Slider: Amount of Numbos to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Rows Slider: Amount of Rows to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Numbrows Slider: Amount of Numbrows to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Boards Slider: Amount of Boards to have earned before game mode ends
Match – Rounds – Switch Conditions #

Current Dropdown: Current Condition Required for a round to switch
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before the round switches
Numbinos Spawn Slider: Number of Numbinos to spawn before the round switches
Rounds Played Slider: Number of rounds to pass before the round switches
Score Gained Slider: Score to have earned before the round switches
Erased Sums Slider: Amount of Sums to have earned before the round switches
Erased Numbos Slider: Amount of Numbos to have earned before the round switches
Erased Rows Slider: Amount of Rows to have earned before the round switches
Erased Numbrows Slider: Amount of Numbrows to have earned before the round switches
Erased Boards Slider: Amount of Boards to have earned before the round switches
Match – Rounds – Multipliers #

Round Switch Slider: How much to multiply score by on Round switch
Numbino Fall Delay Slider: How fast Numbino speed increase on Round switch
Score Slider: How much Score increases on Round switch
Match – Score #

Addition #
Erased Sum Slider: How many points to add for an erased Sum
Erased Row Slider: How many points to add for an erased Row
Erased Sum Slider: How many points to add for an erased Board
Numbino Soft Drop Slider: How many points to add per square of Numbino Soft Drop
Numbino Hard Drop Slider: How many points to add per square of Numbino Hard Drop
Reduction #
Numbino Rotation Slider: How many points to remove per Numbino rotation
Match – Music – General #

Enabled Checkbox: Enable or Disable Music in the game
Track Dropdown: Select the track for this game mode
Match – Music – Speed Modes #

Current Dropdown: Current Condition Required for the music track to increase in speed
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before music increases in speed
Rounds Played Slider: Number of Rounds to have played before music increases in speed
Board Height Slider: Height board needs to fill before music increases in speed
Board Fill Slider: Percentage of the board to have filled before music increases in speed
Match – Seed #

Randomized Checkbox: Chooses to randomize the seed
Value Textbox: Manually enter the seed to determine the piece and number order for the game. Identical seeds should give identical results.
Match – Info Display #

Enabled Checkbox: Enable or Disable info display in the game mode
Scale Slider: The size to draw the information display on the screen
Background Tab #
Match – Win Conditions #

Current Dropdown: Current Win Condition of the game mode
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before game mode ends
Numbinos Spawn Slider: Number of Numbinos to spawn before game mode ends
Rounds Played Slider: Number of rounds to pass before game mode ends
Score Gained Slider: Score to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Sums Slider: Amount of Sums to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Numbos Slider: Amount of Numbos to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Rows Slider: Amount of Rows to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Numbrows Slider: Amount of Numbrows to have earned before game mode ends
Erased Boards Slider: Amount of Boards to have earned before game mode ends
Match – Rounds – Switch Conditions #

Current Dropdown: Current Condition Required for a round to switch
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before the round switches
Numbinos Spawn Slider: Number of Numbinos to spawn before the round switches
Rounds Played Slider: Number of rounds to pass before the round switches
Score Gained Slider: Score to have earned before the round switches
Erased Sums Slider: Amount of Sums to have earned before the round switches
Erased Numbos Slider: Amount of Numbos to have earned before the round switches
Erased Rows Slider: Amount of Rows to have earned before the round switches
Erased Numbrows Slider: Amount of Numbrows to have earned before the round switches
Erased Boards Slider: Amount of Boards to have earned before the round switches
Match – Rounds – Multipliers #

Round Switch Slider: How much to multiply score by on Round switch
Numbino Fall Delay Slider: How fast Numbino speed increase on Round switch
Score Slider: How much Score increases on Round switch
Match – Score #

Addition #
Erased Sum Slider: How many points to add for an erased Sum
Erased Row Slider: How many points to add for an erased Row
Erased Sum Slider: How many points to add for an erased Board
Numbino Soft Drop Slider: How many points to add per square of Numbino Soft Drop
Numbino Hard Drop Slider: How many points to add per square of Numbino Hard Drop
Reduction #
Numbino Rotation Slider: How many points to remove per Numbino rotation
Match – Music – General #

Enabled Checkbox: Enable or Disable Music in the game
Track Dropdown: Select the track for this game mode
Match – Music – Speed Modes #

Current Dropdown: Current Condition Required for the music track to increase in speed
Time Passed Slider: How much time will pass before music increases in speed
Rounds Played Slider: Number of Rounds to have played before music increases in speed
Board Height Slider: Height board needs to fill before music increases in speed
Board Fill Slider: Percentage of the board to have filled before music increases in speed
Match – Seed #

Randomized Checkbox: Chooses to randomize the seed
Value Textbox: Manually enter the seed to determine the piece and number order for the game. Identical seeds should give identical results.
Match – Info Display #

Enabled Checkbox: Enable or Disable info display in the game mode
Scale Slider: The size to draw the information display on the screen