Key Terms and Concepts #
Numblocks: An individual block with a number inside it. Multiple numblocks together make up a Numbino.
Numbino: A group of Numblocks together that form various shapes, such as L’s, trominos, tetriminos, pentominos, and more

Sums: The foundation of Numbos, the combination of Numblocks in a row that equal the target number when added together. In the default modes, this is 3 Numblocks totalling 7.

Numbo: A combination of multiple sums earned by placing one Numbino. A Numeric Combo.

Row: A complete horizontal series of Numblocks across the play area, without any sums inside

Numbrow: a combination of multiple rows. Row Combo

Boards: Clearing an entire board after having the board filled above a certain %
Dash: A rapid horizontal move of multiple spaces by the press of a button
Spin: Rotation of a Numblock 90 degrees
Numbuilder: The suite of tools used to customize Numbos, consisting of ways to modify the game mode, game theme, numbino packs, and more