Display Tab #
Mode: The Display Mode (Windowed, Full Screen Options)
Window Scale: The size of the drawn window
Appsurf Scale: The size of the window to scale
GUI Scale: The size of the interface
Brightness: The overall game brightness
Contrast: The overall game contrast
Saturation: The overall game saturation
Tint: The color to tint everything on screen
Text Filtering Toggle: Turn texture filtering on or off
Audio Tab #
Muted Toggle: Mutes all sounds from Numbos
Master: Volume of all channels
Sound Effects: Volume of Sound effect Channel
Music: Volume of Music Channel
UI: Volume of UI Sound effects
Note: All test toggles repeat test sounds in that channel

Accessibility Tab #
Intro Toggle: Turns into screens on and off
Screenshake Slider: the total amount of screen shake
Controls Tab #
Gamepad Vibration Slider: The amount of force in gamepad vibration
Verbs info: Shows current mapped controls